KYC enables banks to know/ understand their customers and their financial dealings to be able to serve them better and manage its risks prudently.
Kyc Info

Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms/Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Measures/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligations of banks under PMLA, 2002
The objective of KYC/AML/CFT guidelines is to prevent banks from being used, intentionally or unintentionally, by criminal elements for money laundering or terrorist financing activities. KYC procedures also enable banks to know/understand their customers and their financial dealings better which in turn help them manage their risks prudently.
Definition of Customer
For the purpose of KYC policy, a ‘Customer’ is defined as:- A person or entity that maintains an account and/or has a business relationship with the bank.
- One on whose behalf the account is maintained (i.e. the beneficial owner). [ Ref: Government of India Notification dated February 12, 2010 - Rule 9, sub-rule (1A) of PMLA Rules - ' Beneficial Owner' means the natural person who ultimately owns or controls a client and or the person on whose behalf a transaction is being conducted, and includes a person who exercise ultimate effective control over a juridical person ].
- Beneficiaries of transactions conducted by professional intermediaries, such as Stock Brokers, Chartered Accountants, Solicitors etc. as permitted under the law.
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- Any person or entity connected with a financial transaction which can pose significant reputational or other risks to the bank, say, a wire transfer or issue of a high value demand draft as a single transaction.